100 Days of Code - Day 20 - Higher-Order Functions in Java Script

Hello! My name is Rick and I am currently enrolled in a coding bootcamp.

This past December I finished up a year long study with a full-stack school in NYC called [Codeimmersives] (codeimmersives.com). We explored HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and how to build applications using the MERN stack. I learned about class-based components, passing props around (prop-drilling) and utilizing the component lifecycle(componentWillMount, componentDidMount, etc). After learning class based components, we moved on to functional based components using hooks, custom hooks, and different ways to manage state, such as the useContext and Redux APIs. (This is just a brief overview of the technologies I studied over the past year). Currently I am enrolled at devCodeCamp learning about Python, Django and reviewing what I already know about JavaScript. I am documenting my journey by sharing these blog posts and what I'm currently working on. Feel free to comment below!

Higher Order Functions

In Javascript, functions can be assigned to variables in the same way that strings or arrays can. They can be passed into other functions as parameters or returned from them as well.

A “higher-order function” is a function that accepts functions as parameters and/or returns a function.

These are the problems I solved today:

let dishes = [
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Pizza",
        "cuisine": "Italian",
        "servings": 8,
        "ingredients": ["tomato", "cheese"]
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Spaghetti",
        "cuisine": "Italian",
        "servings": 2,
        "ingredients": ["tomato", "cheese"]
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Ravioli",
        "cuisine": "Italian",
        "servings": 2,
        "ingredients": ["tomato", "cheese"]
        "id": 4,
        "name": "Enchiladas",
        "cuisine": "Mexican",
        "servings": 6,
        "ingredients": ["tomato", "cheese"]
        "id": 5,
        "name": "Tacos",
        "cuisine": "Mexican",
        "servings": 4,
        "ingredients": ["tomato", "cheese"]
        "id": 6,
        "name": "Burrito Supreme",
        "cuisine": "Mexican",
        "servings": 1,
        "ingredients": ["tomato", "cheese"]
        "id": 7,
        "name": "Elote",
        "cuisine": "Mexican",
        "servings": 4,
        "ingredients": ["corn", "cheese"]
        "id": 8,
        "name": "Crepes",
        "cuisine": "French",
        "servings": 1,
        "ingredients": ["flour", "sugar"]
        "id": 9,
        "name": "Corned Beef & Cabbage",
        "cuisine": "Irish",
        "servings": 10,
        "ingredients": ["beef", "cabbage"]
        "id": 10,
        "name": "Beef Stew",
        "cuisine": "Irish",
        "servings": 8,
        "ingredients": ["beef", "tomato"]
        "id": 11,
        "name": "Lasagna",
        "cuisine": "Vegetarian",
        "servings": 8,
        "ingredients": ["tomato", "cheese"]
        "id": 12,
        "name": "Falafel",
        "cuisine": "Vegetarian",
        "servings": 1,
        "ingredients": ["chickpea", "parsley"]
        "id": 13,
        "name": "Chili",
        "cuisine": "Vegetarian",
        "servings": 13,
        "ingredients": ["tomato", "chickpea"]
        "id": 14,
        "name": "Goulash",
        "cuisine": "Hungarian",
        "servings": 15,
        "ingredients": ["beef", "tomato"]


//Example function
function findMexicanFood(){
    let results = dishes.filter(function(el){
        if(el.cuisine === "Mexican"){
            return true;
            return false;

    //Debug tip: Place a Breakpoint on the return AFTER the filter, then hover over "results" to see results of filter without having to step through the whole thing!

    return results;

let mexicanFood = findMexicanFood();
console.log('Mexican Foods: ', mexicanFood)

//1. Create a function that will return all dishes with the cuisine type of "vegetarian"

function problemOne(){

    let results = dishes.filter(dish => dish.cuisine === "Vegetarian")

    return results;

let vegetarianDishes = problemOne();
console.log('Vegitarian Dishes:', vegetarianDishes)

//2. Create a function that will return all dishes with the cuisine type of "Italian" and a serving size greater than 5.

function problemTwo(){

    let results = dishes.filter(dish => dish.cuisine === "Italian" && dish.servings > 5)

    return results;

let italianMoreThanFive = problemTwo();
console.log('ItalianMorThanFive Dishes:', italianMoreThanFive)

//3. Create a function that will return only dishes whose serving id number matches their serving count.

function problemThree(){

    let results = dishes.filter(dish => dish.id === dish.servings)

    return results;

let dishIdMatchesServingCount = problemThree();
console.log('dishIdMatchesServingCount Dishes:', dishIdMatchesServingCount)

//4. Create a function that will return only dishes whose serving count is even.

function problemFour(){

    let results = dishes.filter(dish => dish.servings %2 === 0)

    return results;

let evenServingCount = problemFour();
console.log('evenServingCount Dishes:', evenServingCount)

//5. Create a function that will return dishes whose ingredients array is "tomato" and "cheese".

function problemFive(){

    let results = dishes.filter(dish => dish.ingredients[0]==="tomato" && dish.ingredients[1] === "cheese")

    return results;

let tomatoCheese = problemFive();
console.log('tomatoCheese Dishes:', tomatoCheese)

//6a. Create a function that will return an array of only the names of the cuisine types. Ie ['Italian', 'Mexican', ...]

// BONUS: (come back to this after finishing all)
//6b. Use the filter method to eliminate duplicates, leaving only distinct values in the array

// function problemSix(){
//     newArray = []

//     let results = dishes.map(dish => dish.cuisine)

//     let uniqueArr = [...new Set(results)]

//     return uniqueArr;
// }

function problemSix(){

    let result = dishes.map((dish)=> dish.cuisine).filter((item, i, arr)=> arr.indexOf(item) === i)

    return result

let cuisines = problemSix();
console.log('cuisine Dishes:', cuisines)

//7. Create a function that will append the cuisine type to the start of the dish's name. Ie, "Italian Pizza"

// function problemSeven(){

//     result = dishes.map(dish => dish.name = `${dish.cuisine} ${dish.name}`)

//     return result
// }

// let appendedNames = problemSeven();
// console.log('appendedName Dishes:', appendedNames)

// console.log(dishes)

//8. Create a function that will append the cuisine type to the start of the dish's name. Then, return only the Vegetarian dish objects. So this function should return objects 11-13 with their names changed to "Vegetarian Lasagna", "Vegetarian Falafel", "Vegetarian Chili"
//Map, Filter

function problemEight(){

    let result = dishes.filter(dish => dish.cuisine === "Vegetarian").map(dish => dish.name = `${dish.cuisine} ${dish.name}`)

    return result

let appendedNamesTwoVegetarian = problemEight();
console.log('appendedName2 Dishes:', appendedNamesTwoVegetarian)

//9. Create a function that will return dishes whose ingredients array INCLUDES "chickpea".
//Hint: You do not want to check the array's indexes to find out what the array INCLUDES.

function problemNine(){

    let result = dishes.filter(dish => dish.ingredients.includes("chickpea"))

    return result

let chickpeaIngredients = problemNine();
console.log('chickpeaIngredients Dishes:', chickpeaIngredients)

//10. Create a function that will return the total serving count of all dishes.
// Must use Reduce, not a loop.

function problemTen(){

    let result = dishes.map((dish)=> dish.servings).reduce((total, curr) => curr + total)

    return result

let servingCount = problemTen();
console.log('servingCount Dishes:', servingCount)

//11. Create a function that will return an array of any objects that do not share a cuisine type with any other objects.

function problemEleven(){

    let freq = {}

    cuisines = dishes.map((dish)=>dish.cuisine)

    for(cuisine of cuisines){
            freq[cuisine] += 1
        }else freq[cuisine] = 1

    let result = dishes.filter((dish)=> freq[dish.cuisine] === 1)

    return result

let uniqueCuisineTypes = problemEleven();
console.log('uniqueCuisineTypes Dishes:', uniqueCuisineTypes)